Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Watercolour private study task 2

If you half close your eyes you can see four bands of colour across the middle of this picture:
1. the pale lilac, pale green and pale blue of the buildings
2. the warm yellow of the garden wall
3. a stripe of bright green sunlit grass
4. the white stripe of a sunlit path

Your first action should be to paint these in as a light washes

Next put in light green washes for the two areas of grass (paying attention to the perspective of course)

Then you can detail your trees and the heavy dark canopy of leaves

After this you can go back to the garden wall to add deeper yellows and some white gouache to put the flares of white sunlight on them (zoom in to see these)

finally add the dark shadows on the two grassy areas and the path that rund along the foreground and through the middle.

bring your masterpiece to class next week.