Hello everyone,
here is the sports photo for one of your private study exercises. This should take you about 30 minutes.
please follow the instructions closely and bring your finished drawing and your photos with you on Wednesday morning
The editor of this photo was probably presented with a much larger image to work with. It may have included nearly all of the tennis court, the score board and sections of the crowd. The editor's job is to pare the photo down to give the reader a sense of the drama of this shot. Both players are going for the same ball and are in the half of the court. One player is focused on the ball, the other is already looking where he is going to place it in the opposing court.
This image has lots of reference points in it to help you reproduce, what is, a complex study of two human forms.
1. Using greaseproof paper, tissue or tracing paper trace round all the negative spaces created by the white lines, the open tennis raquet, the net etc to reveal the two human forms.
2. Photograph your drawing
3. shade all your negative spaces in a mid tone using an HB pencil
4. Now, without tracing, use the shapes, negative spaces and other references on their bodies to position the closed tennis raquet, their clothing and the ball
5. photograph your drawing
6. shade the skin using a 2B or 4B pencil.